Monday, December 30, 2019

History of Scuba Diving and Pioneer Jacques Cousteau

Modern scuba diving gear consists of one or more gas tanks strapped to the divers back, connected to an air hose and an invention called the demand regulator. The demand regulator controls the flow of air so that the air pressure within the divers lungs equals the pressure of the water. Early Diving Gear Ancient swimmers used cut hollow reeds to breathe air, the first rudimentary snorkel used to enhance our abilities underwater. Around 1300, Persian divers were making rudimentary eye goggles from the thinly sliced and polished shells of tortoises. By the 16th century, wooden barrels were used as primitive diving bells, and for the first time divers could travel underwater with more than one breath of air, but not much more than one. More Than One Breath In 1771, British engineer, John Smeaton invented the air pump. A hose was connected between the air pump and the diving barrel, allowing air to be pumped to the diver. In 1772, Frenchmen, Sieur Freminet invented a rebreathing device that recycled the exhaled air from inside of the barrel, this was the first self-contained air device. Freminets invention was a poor one, the inventor died from lack of oxygen after being in his own device for twenty minutes. In 1825, English inventor, William James designed another self-contained breather, a cylindrical iron belt attached to a copper helmet. The belt held about 450 psi of air, enough for a seven-minute dive. In 1876, Englishmen, Henry Fleuss invented a closed circuit, oxygen rebreather. His invention was originally intended to be used in the repair of an iron door of a flooded ships chamber. Fleuss then decided to use his invention for a thirty-foot deep dive underwater. He died from the pure oxygen, which is toxic to humans under pressure. Rigid Diving Suits In 1873, Benoà ®t Rouquayrol and Auguste Denayrouze built a new piece of equipment a rigid diving suit with a safer air supply, however it weighed about 200 pounds. Houdini Suit - 1921 Famous magician and escape artist, Harry Houdini (born Ehrich Weiss in Budapest, Hungary in 1874) was also an inventor. Harry Houdini astonished audiences by escaping from handcuffs, straitjackets, and locked boxes, often doing so underwater. Houdinis invention for a divers suit permitted divers, in case of danger, to quickly divest themselves of the suit while submerged and to safely escape and reach the surface of the water. Jacques Cousteau Emile Gagnan Emile Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau co-invented the modern demand regulator and an improved autonomous diving suit. In 1942, the team redesigned a car regulator and invented a demand regulator that would automatically fresh air when a diver breathed. A year later in 1943, Cousteau and Gagnan began selling the Aqua-Lung.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Northern Napa Valley Winery Essay - 1827 Words

NORTHERN NAPA VALLEY WINERY Period Month-Year Sales MA CMA Snl Factor Ad trend est Snl Inx Forecast 1 Jan-88 6,632 7414.480161 0.895433355 6639.172848 2 Feb-88 6,534 7495.930161 0.855674227 6414.07425 3 Mar-88 6,675 7577.380161 0.915057445 6933.738129 4 Apr-88 6,692 7658.830161 0.924270145 7078.828067 5 May-88 6,984 7740.280161 0.942241926 7293.21649 6 Jun-88 7,133 7821.730161 0.938433481 7340.173459 7 Jul-88 6,385 7,727 0.826274271 7903.180161 0.887321174 7012.659097 8 Aug-88 7,364 7,760 0.948999646 7984.630161 0.732715692 5850.463814 9 Sep-88 7,171 7,816 0.917432953 8066.080161 0.960270745 7745.620807 10 Oct-88 8,690 7,906 1.09918257 8147.530161 1.09169761 8894.639202 11 Nov-88 10,299†¦show more content†¦2 9532.180161 0.915057445 8722.492422 28 Apr-90 8,820 9,101 9,505 0.927912329 9613.630161 0.924270145 8885.591347 29 May-90 9,313 9,168 9,608 0.969321641 9695.080161 0.942241926 9135.111008 30 Jun-90 9,419 9,288 9,717 0.969303004 9776.530161 0.938433481 9174.623227 31 Jul-90 8,700 9,362 9,910 0.877871582 9857.980161 0.887321174 8747.194527 32 Aug-90 6,960 9,399 10,067 0.691347805 9939.430161 0.732715692 7282.776449 33 Sep-90 9,091 9,446 10,110 0.899253178 10020.88016 0.960270745 9622.75806 34 Oct-90 10,933 9,565 10,192 1.072708467 10102.33016 1.09169761 11028.68969 35 Nov-90 13,117 9,651 10,315 1.271663785 10183.78016 1.337830958 13624.17637 36 Dec-90 15,337 9,784 10,418 1.472122349 10265.23016 1.5378799 15786.69114 37 Jan-91 11,267 10,037 10,514 1.071644275 10346.68016 0.895433355 9264.762532 38 Feb-91 8,889 10,098 10,588 0.839548538 10428.13016 0.855674227 8923.08222 39 Mar-91 9,612 10,122 10,698 0.898510195 10509.58016 0.915057445 9616.869569 40 Apr-91 10,511 10,262 10,814 0.971969531 10591.03016 0.924270145 9788.972988 41 May-91 10,571 10,367 10,926 0.967545593 10672.48016 0.942241926 10056.05827 42 Jun-91 10,644 10,469 11,089 0.959844895 10753.93016 0.938433481 10091.84811 43 Jul-91 9,766 10,558 11,127 0.877671764 10835.38016 0.887321174 9614.462243 44 Aug-91 7,672 10,618 11,157 0.687670865 10916.83016 0.732715692 7998.932766 45 Sep-91 11,016 10,778 11,282 0.976397378 10998.28016 0.960270745 10561.32669 46 Oct-91 11,802 10,850Show MoreRelatedWhat Sets Napa Valley Apart1281 Words   |  6 PagesCalifornia’s wine regions parallel in their respective histories. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Trade Relations Among Europe and Africa, Asia and America Free Essays

Before 1500, Europeans had already established a trading network with Africa, Asia and America. The products that they traded during that time period included food clothing, weapons and other goods. Today their trading networks are very sophisticated and connect to every corner well to every other aspect of the planet. We will write a custom essay sample on The Trade Relations Among Europe and Africa, Asia and America or any similar topic only for you Order Now Trading became an essential part for our society to function and prosperous into what it has become today. Some might think that today’s trading landscape came from the Europeans around 1500, but they were just eager to establish trades with countries who were just as eager to purchase European goods. However, this statement is incorrect. The reality was that not every country was willing to purchase their products, but many of the Europeans were eager to buy products from other countries. In this paper, I will show how the above statement and its flaws. European countries have a rich civilization. For example, they have a wide variety of food, a huge collection of art work and a number of different customs inlcuding multiple languages. Their possession of these qualities made them become the modern civilization popular at that time. Therefore, if a country that was less civilized started using their products, that country might be modernized at a faster pace. Therefore, the Europeans were helping other countries when they traded with them. However, their good deeds were not accepted by other countries. Not every country was interested in European goods. For example, China resisted importing foreign goods to their country at that time. This was because the government did not want foreign culture to affect their already rich civilization, as China’s history could be traced back to 3000 years ago. Also, African countries, although they were not civilized at all, were not receptive at buying European goods. Tribes from Africa were scattered everywhere. Most of these tribes were self-sufficient as in their advanced ability to produce their own goods as oppose to trading products between tribes. As a result, the economy in Africa was very weak and none of these tribes could afford the European products in order to better their society. Another big misconception about European trade is that we always think other countries had to yield to the terms set forth by the Europeans. Although, Europeans had a powerful civilization and their weapons were more technology advance than many other nations, the term â€Å"trade† was not always in favor of the Europeans. For example, even though Portugal had a better naval and military technology, they had a very limited success when trading with China and Japan. Between 1521 and 1522, Portuguese had attempted to enforce trading with China. However, their aggressive movement ended with a decisive defeat of the Portuguese because they were unable to control all the maritime traffic in the region. As a result, Portugal was expelled from China in 1523. Another example was the Mughal Empire. Mughal Empire was founded in the early 16th century and located in the Middle East region. According to the class note, although this empire was relatively new, they already had a better gunpowder technology than the Europeans. Of course, we cannot conclude that the Mughal Empire had a stronger military than the Europeans based on this fact. However, the gunpowder technology would definitely give the Mughal people a superior defense upon an attack by the Europeans in case of a trading issue arose. As a result, we cannot conclude that a powerful civilization was a factor for the European to continue their trading network at around 1500. An underlying reason of the trade was that the Europeans wanted to be more superior. They wanted to spread their civilized cultures and religions to the â€Å"less civilized† countries in order to colonize them easier. The Americas was a great example to illustrate this influence. After Columbus discovered the new continent in 1400s, European powers began to flock and colonize the new world. Despite the natives were resisting, they were soon adapted to their new dominating power. This was because many of the products that they used were imported from the European nations, including tea, clothing, religion etc. The success of the dominating European power was due to the fact that they took advantage of the trading system and method was unsuccessful for the empires in the old world. It is because the â€Å"less civilized† old world countries had already established their own cultures and religions and were not ready to change. For example, Christianity did not find its way in China. Even in the mid 18th century, 200 years after the trading relationship began; only about 0. 08 percent of total Chinese population had converted from Buddhism to Christianity. Therefore, the explanation that trading system continued because of the European’s cohesive civilization was not well constructed, as it was true for the countries in the new world but not the old. Finally, European nations were ore interested in products made in other countries than those countries interested in their products. An example about the Chinese empire was illustrated in the previous paragraph. China refused the purchase foreign goods because they had already a rich culture by itself. In contrast, Europeans were very interested in silk, porcelains and food produced in China. In Africa, where people could not afford European products, European powers simply arrived, enslaved, and â€Å"trade† those indigent people. Therefore, Europeans after 1500s continued their networks with other countries were more because they wanted to purchase foreign products rather than so sell their products. In conclusion, Europeans established ongoing trade networks in Africa, Asia and the Americas after 1500 because they wanted to trade with countries just as eager to trade with them does not sufficiently entail the trading landscape at that time. Some countries were uninterested in their products and some others simply cannot afford them. As a result, the statement is false and should be revised. How to cite The Trade Relations Among Europe and Africa, Asia and America, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Advantage and disadvantage of social media in hindi free essay sample

Only a few technology-loving, mind-stimulating and idea-generating individuals out there are still unplugged with social media. I am sure those too will Join soon as well since social media is not Just a platform for easy and simple advanced online marketing, it is also the revolution of our century! Many people have tried to capture the importance of social media. In todays post, we will introduce to you the most must-know advantages and disadvantages of social media so youll be aware of how to use it in the safest and most valuable possible ways! 5 Must-know Disadvantages of Social Media: 1 . The wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social disadvantage and may even damage your reputation, i. e, when you make a mistake offline, a few will know but when you make a mistake in front of hundreds or thousands of you online audience, most of them will know! 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantage and disadvantage of social media in hindi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using social media for marketing and advertising could be more time consuming than companies expect. 3. In order to get social medias full effect, you need to understand how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on depending on your end goal of using social media. 4. Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the companys reputation! 5. When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. 5 Must-know Advantages of Social Media: 1 . When using social media for marketing products, social media could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results. 2. Social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog, articles, etc. Social media is able to bring people together, especially when promoting global products or cause-related campaigns and ideas since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views. 4. Social media could be the spark you are looking for to attract attention to your site, product or service. It could also be used to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience. 5. Social media marketing could always be a fun and creative method of doing business. advantage and disadvantage of social media in hindi By umarmalik99 Advantage and disadvantage of social media in hindi free essay sample ?Only a few technology-loving, mind-stimulating and idea-generating individuals out there are still unplugged with social media. I am sure those too will join soon as well since social media is not just a platform for easy and simple advanced online marketing, it is also the revolution of our century! Many people have tried to capture the importance of social media. In today’s post, we will introduce to you the most must-know advantages and disadvantages of social media so you’ll be aware of how to use it in the safest and most valuable possible ways! 5 Must-know Disadvantages of Social Media: 1. The wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social disadvantage and may even damage your reputation, i. e, when you make a mistake offline, a few will know but when you make a mistake in front of hundreds or thousands of you online audience, most of them will know! 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantage and disadvantage of social media in hindi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using social media for marketing and advertising could be more time consuming than companies expect. 3. In order to get social media’s full effect, you need to understand how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on depending on your end goal of using social media. 4. Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation! 5. When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. 5 Must-know Advantages of Social Media: 1. When using social media for marketing products, social media could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results. 2. Social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog, articles, etc. 3. Social media is able to bring people together, especially when promoting global products or cause-related campaigns and ideas since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views. 4. Social media could be the spark you are looking for to attract attention to your site, product or service. It could also be used to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience. 5. Social media marketing could always be a fun and creative method of doing business.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Studying The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck English Literature Essay Essay Example

Studying The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck English Literature Essay Paper The narrative The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck is a concise and emotional narrative. Right off the reader can see that this short narrative is fiction. Through the character of Elisa, we see the alterations of a adult female and a flower. At this point in clip adult females were treated and respected wholly different than they are in our state now. But through Steinbeck s work he shows us how others can convey about alteration in us. Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay goes through a procedure of alterations, merely like a flower, many times in The Chrysanthemums . Elisa has her garden, her house and nil more. Once the Tinker shows involvement in her work, she wholly alterations. Elisa feels as though she could be making work merely like the Tinker who travels from topographic point to topographic point. This connects with the Chrysanthemums she has grown. The Tinker voluntaries to take some of the works down the route to another adult female who has been seeking to acquire her custodies on them. Small does Elisa cognize, he has played her by demoing involvement in her work He knew that she would so happen something for him to repair. Once the Tinker has moved on, Elisa s character alterations wholly. She now feels strong and confident, non needfully trapped in the house. We will write a custom essay sample on Studying The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck English Literature Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Studying The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck English Literature Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Studying The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck English Literature Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Tinker brings about great alteration in Elisa during the narrative. This adult male travels the state from seashore to seashore, populating twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours doing money repairing pots and pans. At first he came across as a alone concern adult male looking for person to give him work. He meets Elisa and realizes the type of individual she is. The Tinker con s her into thought he has great involvement in her work, unlike her hubby Henry. Other parts of The Chrysanthemums , involves sexual tenseness and vesture. Elisa changes her visual aspect both emotionally and physically by dressing otherwise and moving otherwise towards both Henry and the Tinker. There is sexual tenseness between Elisa and the Tinker because of his involvement in her work. Her hubby comment early in the narrative, I wish you d work out in the grove and raise some apples that large ( Steinbeck 46 ) concludes that he has minimum involvement in her and her work. Once the Tinker has gone a nd left, she is filled with assurance and completes a entire makeover. Through her vesture we have seen differences in gender. At first she started out have oning apparels that were manlier, meaning that she wanted to be populating a adult male s life and non experience trapped. She envied the life of the Tinker and wanted to be on the route merely as he was. Once she has been told they were traveling out to dinner she is overjoyed with the fact that her hubby noticed her as more than a garden worker. She dresses in her finest apparels and shows a different individual than we have seen throughout the narrative. Just like a flower, she is pretty looking! Henry tells Elisa she looks nice, and strong. It is shown there that Elisa and Henrys relationship is non normal. The male laterality by Henry there shows Elisa is non much more than a homemaker and nurseryman. The inquiry of why is asked by Elisa because she feels offended and unsure of what his exact significance of nice is. She feels really confident in herself and the difference work forces have over adult females at this clip is melting in her caput. Elisa became comfy with the feeling that she could make things merely like the Tinker could. She could turn and maturate into something other than the life she has been populating now with assurance. Traveling to dinner, Elisa notices a pinpoint in the route ; she realizes they are her Chrysanthemums she gave to the Tinker. The Tinker had dumped them on the wayside and kept to pot for himself. At this point, she has lost all aspiration and assurance she has during the twenty-four hours. All Elisa could make was turn to her hubbies shoulder and call devising certain she was out of site from the Tinker who was stopped on the side of the route. The short narrative reveals the alterations in a adult female in society and how others can impact us all. Besides, people are merely like flowers, we grow and change as clip goes on. We change because of other beginnings around us that compel us to turn and move otherwise. Just because of gender, adult females were limited to their feelings and what they could make in life. The symbolism of a flower is used really good throughout the full narrative. Many times, Steinbeck uses the flower as a symbol for Elisa s ain life. First, the flower is closed and non ready to blossom. This portion of the narrative is when Elisa feels trapped in her garden and ruled by her hubby Henry. The portion of the flowers transmutation is the gap up and flowering. The Tinker brought exhilaration for Elisa and opened her eyes to his universe. The universe of going and living life twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours was ideal for her. Elisa s battles were vanishing right before her eyes as she grew confi dent. The alterations in her apparels and visual aspect symbolized that she, as a adult females was turning and blooming into another individual. Once changed into newer apparels and her finest wear, she looked really reasonably, typifying the flower one time once more. Towards the stoping of the narrative, she is put back in a familiar state of affairs. She feels unsure and threatened by his significance of the word, nice . Although experiencing this manner, the Tinker has provided her with great assurance and ego worth. Unfortunately the assurance and everything she had built up inside her is thrown off. Just like a deceasing flower, Elisa saw the pinpoint in the route without the pot. She had been played, and now lost all assurance she one time had. From this point, she can non maintain her caput up and fells on her hubbies shoulder off from the pinpoint. Elisa has now gone through alterations of a adult females and a flower in her up and down emotional journey.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The New Look of Flying Machines essays

The New Look of Flying Machines essays Most people are familiar with the Standard Configuration, the most common airplane design. However, recent revelations in both military and general aviation have shown at least a slight movement toward different arrangements of an airplane's lift and control surfaces. These variations in aircraft structure include the canard configuration and the flying wing. First, we must understand the basic principles of flight before any different configurations of lift surfaces can be discussed. In order for any object to gain lift, it must have a force pushing it upwards which is greater than its weight. This force, called lift, results from the differing pressures on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. The air that hits the leading edge of the wing separates. Part goes over the wing, and part travels underneath it. The top of the wing curves, or is cambered, causing the air passing over the top of the wing to go faster than the air passing under the wing. The lower surface of the wing is relatively flat, so air travels at, or near, its normal speed. Bernoulli's Law says that as the speed of gas or fluid increases its pressure decreases (Pappas 2). Therefore, there is a greater air pressure under the wing than there is above the wing. This greater pressure under the wing pushes the plane up. When this force exceeds the pull of gravity on the aircraft, flight is achieved. Two other forces affect an aircraft's movement through the air: thrust and drag. Thrust is the force provided by an aircraft's power plant which pushes or pulls it forward through the air. Drag, which counteracts thrust, is the force of wind resistance against the aircraft. It is supplemented by various appendages on the aircraft, such as the wings, stabilizers, and the fuselage. The less drag there is on an aircraft, the faster and more economically it can fly. Drag can be reduced by eliminating items which disrupt airflow. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Costco Wholesale In 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Costco Wholesale In 2012 - Essay Example The philosophy of the Costco is to be concerned with customers and employees and meeting their needs which in the long-run results to rewarding of their shareholders. Stakeholders have invested a lot of their money in the company. They have faith that Costco will invest wisely and despite the ups and downs, the business has operated in profitable ways. Costco has inventories traded publicly on the NASDAQ stock exchange market. The stakeholders therefore get good returns from the company. Porters Five Forces Model has five forces which include: The threat of substitute products. This can be a strong threat especially considering there is e- retailing and websites like in Canada. It therefore limits the profits that a company could actualize and the amount of sales. The bargaining power of suppliers is moderate to low competitive force. Costco has many warehouses and therefore it requires many suppliers. However there is no supplier who can singly influence the pricing of raw materials or even striking due to financial instability. Instead, the suppliers compete for the supply orders despite the poor terms and conditions of trade. This reduces their bargaining power. Bargaining power of customers is a weak threat because Costco is a large retailer which even sells its products in bulk. Most of the members purchase products in small amounts as compared to the whole stock. One member has very little or even none influence on the quality and prices of products sold by the company. Even if the member results to quit the company and go to the competitor of Costco will have no effect on the sales volume of the company. Threats of new entrants are low considering that Costco has already established itself and it offers low prices of its products. This discourages any new entrant because it cannot reduce prices below the ones existing in the market.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homosexual Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homosexual Rights - Essay Example In order to fight for their rights, they need to overcome and cope with all the perceptions and ridicules from members of the society. Taiwan is one of the first Chinese countries to advocate for homosexual rights when they launched they gay parade in 2003. Whilst some people think that Taiwan may tolerate homosexuality, the reality is that many people in different communities feel humiliated by this practice of homosexuality. Homosexuality will take some time to be accepted by all members of the society though lesbians and gays argue that they have the same rights like other heterosexuals. This is the reason why they are advocating for equal rights since they argue that they have a choice to choose a partner they want. Lesbian and gay activists in this country believe that they are just like any other human being and they want their rights to be recognized by all people in their respective societies. They think that their portrayal by some people is blown out of proportion since they live normal lives just like any other human beings. During the past, homosexuality existed in Taiwan but it was not easy identify the gays and lesbians since this practice was ridiculed by the other members of the community. Therefore, homosexuality was a private affair between the two people involved. However, the society in Taiwan has changed dramatically given that the youths who practice homosexuality are openly advocating for their rights after realizing that they are a minority group that has been sidelined as a result of their sexual orientation. This group has little or no protection at all from the government. . The military excludes homosexuals on the basis that these people are regarded as miscreants in society and they do not deserve to be given first class treatment by virtue of their sexual orientation. Moreover, many parents do not support their homosexuality among their children since they regard this

Monday, November 18, 2019


ORGANISATIONS, PEOPLE AND PERFORMANCE POST MODULE - Assignment Example By achieving these HR competencies, it will then be easy for Samsung to overcome most of the issues it is having. Talent management Talent management is a central part of any strategic business management (Deb, 2005). Samsung should include this as part of its HR strategy. Talent management will be managed by a process of hunting for talent and nurturing talent as a way to make sure that the firm will have a good pool of talent with regard to all its human resource areas. This will be important especially for the technical departments such as engineering in order to guarantee that Samsung will always be ahead of its competitors in producing the best technologies. It will also be important for the other departments because as Silzer and Dowell (2009) say, a formidable human resource is necessary for an organization to be competent in any industry. Training Training is the base of any human strategy and should be taken seriously if the organization is to be able to manage its employees (Brewster, Mayrhofer and Morley, 2004). It is training and recruitment that offers the organization an opportunity to get the kind of employees that they want. It also helps in training ordinary employees into competent managers and this means that the organization does not have to look outside for managers (Pynes and Lombardi, 2011). Figure 1.1, from: Samsung needs to look at the various ways in which it can develop its training program in order to get the best employees. Well planned training will help Samsung to have employees who will; Be ethical in their conduct thus avoiding issues such as copyright infringement. One of the issues that Samsung has had in the past is the fact that it has been involved in copyright infringement. This is something that reduced the strategic position of the organization due to the legal issues and the negative publicity which the firm gets from such. As a result, recruitment and trainin g of employees in the firm should be done with this in mind. Issues such as copyright infringement are as a result of inadequate human resource. It is also an indication that the firm is having poor talent and therefore not being able to develop its own portfolio (Nejati et al, 2008). This has also been seen in the fact that Samsung does not have an operating system for most of its products. As a result, this makes Samsung to have a weaker strategic position compared to its major competitor, Apple, that has an own operating system for its product and never has to use third-party products. By training the right people, it will be easier for Samsung to be able to have people who can be innovative and productive enough to deal with these issues. There are other issues which need to be considered with regard to Samsung’s human resource. These include the commitment of the employees. As Kumar (2010) says, it is hard for an organization to be able to have a competent human resource if the employees are not highly committed to the organization. In this case, Samsung will have to focus on increasing the commitment of the employees. This will help the organization to be able to improve its talent management and to make sure that there is enough talent in the organization

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits of Parent Education Programmes

Benefits of Parent Education Programmes Chen Yishu Why parent education program? Persuasive goal: Adoption: I want the audience to think about taking parent education program before they become parents. Specific proposition: Policy: Parents should take parental courses before they have children. Taking parental courses can benefit not only parents but also children. Audience’s current opinion: Neutral: Some people think parents should take parental courses while some don’t think so. Introduction: (example 1, pathos and ethos) When talking about children, what do you commonly think of? Well, if you asked me half a year ago, I would throw out various adjectives like cute, energetic, enthusiastic, and so on. However, now I’ve changed. Last summer vacation, one of my cousins came to visit my family, together with her two-year-old son, my nephew. He is a pretty boy with extraordinary big eyes and long black eyelashes, and when he stared at you wishfully, you will never wish to reject any of his wishes. Even though people always say we shouldn’t judge by appearance, I couldn’t help holding him up and kissed him as soon as I saw him. At that time, he was the loveliest creature in the world until we went to take a nap. I had no idea that he didn’t feel asleep at all and got up secretly after my parents and my cousin went shopping. In just two hours, he broke into my study room and destroyed all my collection of Japanese animation figures. He tore down their heads, dismembered them, and then threw them away. The moment when I found him, he was surrounded by corpses, with my favorite comic book in his hand. He cocked his head and just smiled at me, like an angel proclaiming the end of the world. I was so shocked that I couldn’t even speak a word. But the worse thing happened when his mother, my cousin, arrived at home. The only comment she made after hearing the disaster had only four words: â€Å"Oh, you naughty boy.† She didn’t say sorry, not even express that emotion. When I asked her to compensate for the damage, she was even more astonished than me: â€Å"They are just toys! How can you be so stingy?!† I wanted to argue more but my parents wouldn’t let me do so. She walked away easily. It’s impossible for me to say that I don’t blame my nephew for what he did, but I did attribute his naughtiness to his mother for she lacked the ability and awareness to educate her chil d. Preview statement: Today I like to speak about the necessity for parents, especially parents with their first child, to receive parent education as well as the reasons for taking such courses. To illustrate the points, I’m going to divide the issue into two parts: first, what is parent education; second, why should parents take parent education. Transition: If you look around in your life in China, perhaps you will notice that many of our next generation are actually raised by their grandparents instead of their parents. Certainly one of the reasons is because they have no time to take care of them, but the deficiency of parenting knowledge and skill also has something to do with the situation. In China, parent education is a brand-new concept that worth our attention for the well-being of our offspring. Main Point 1: (logos) Parent education programs contain mainly three categories. Sub-point 1: (evidence 12, ethos) The authors of the academic paper Facilitators and Barriers to Engagement in Parenting Programs: A Qualitative Systematic Review point out in the article that â€Å"Parenting programs are short-term interventions to promote changes in the behavior of parents that result in improved relationships with their children and changes in child behavior† (Julie Mytton, Jenny Ingram, Sarah Manns, James Thomas 127-137) and aim at â€Å"activat[ing] the strengths, competence, and possibilities for change that exist in parents and in the social context,† according to Professor Ching-Man Lam from Chinese University of Hong Kong, in order to enable parents to take good care of their children (Lam 147-168). Sub-point 2: Roughly, there are three types of parent education program as the child grows. Programs that get parents prepared for the new birth. Programs that aim at parents with toddlers and young children Programs that cover common issue with teenagers. Transition: Honestly speaking, it is very hard to divide the types of parent education program for each couple has different demand and as a result, hundreds of thousands of parent education programs that focus on different aspect of parenting exist in the market. Whereas, the influence of parent education program is relatively easier to categorize. Main Point 2: (logos) Parents play a vital role in children’s development. Sub-point 1: When searching online, numerous articles and research papers that emphasize the influences of parents on their children from personality to lifelong goals can be found. (evidence 3, ethos) For example, in the article The Role of Parents in Childrens Psychological Development, Jerome Kagan, an American psychologist, stated that â€Å"The profile of cognitive abilities, beliefs†¦ that characterizes each child†¦ is the result of diverse influences operating in complex ways†¦ the most important determinants of the different profiles include parental practices and personality† (Kagan 164-67). (evidence 4, ethos) At the same time, a newly published article Parents influence suicidal children in the journal The Australian, pointed out that â€Å"PARENTS are more likely than school bullies to influence childrens suicide attempts† (Bita n.pag.). Sub-point 2: Therefore, since parents play a vital role in the quality of children’s development, parent education is needed urgently to help shape the well-being of parents in order to support the growth of children. Otherwise, children may experience severe problems as they grow because their parents don’t know how to take good charge of them. (example 2, pathos)One vivid example is my nephew, the two-year-old boy. He is my cousin’s first child and honestly speaking, she knew nothing about how to take care of him, even though admittedly she loves him very much. She went back to work in Changsha after labor while my nephew was left with his grandparents in a tiny village simply because she didn’t want to sacrifice her spare time to take care of him. She promised to visit once a week, stayed for one day and left again. As a consequence, they weren’t very intimate until my cousin changed her attitude suddenly and took him back when he was one year ol d. Then he was spoiled. My cousin, his mother, gave everything he wanted and praised everything he did. No one could blame his mistakes for he did no wrong in his mother’s eyes. Finally a child with severe behavior problems, or a little evil, was created. Transition: I believe every one of us has encountered some wild kids in our lives, and mostly, their parents are especially guilty. Therefore, since parents have a great impact on children’s development, it is critical for parents to attend parent education and therefore, gain the knowledge and skills to ensure their children’s well-being. Main Point 3: (logos) Parent education programs can benefit children. Sub-point 1: Parent education programs are very likely to improve the health of children. When we look around, we may find that many young parents don’t know how to take good care of children and have to rely on their own parents, especially when it comes to infants. (evidence 5, ethos) In the research paper Preventing Abusive Head Trauma Among Infants and Young Children: A Hospital-Based, Parent Education Program, the author indicated that â€Å"Abusive head injuries among infants (shaken infant or shaken impact syndrome) represent a devastating form of child abuse† while â€Å"25 to 50% of people have not received information about this problem.† What’s worse, â€Å"in some cases of abuse, the perpetrators admitted to shaking the infant violently but confessed that they were unaware of the dangers of doing so.† Then the authors evaluated the effectiveness of parent education program on reducing the injuries and found out that â€Å"a coordinated, hospital-based, parent education program, targeting parents of all newborn infants, can reduce significantly the incidence of abusive head injuries among infants and children Sub-point 2: (evidence 6, ethos) Jane Barlow, a journalist from Oxford University, pointed out in an academic paper that Parent education program can improve the mental health of children and reduce the amount of children’s behavior problems (Jane Barlow, S. Stewart-Brown 356-370). Transition: Besides doing good to children, parent education program can also help parents out of their struggles. Main Point 4: (logos) Parent education programs can benefit parents. Sub-point 1: It is conceivable that parent education programs can help parents understand their influence on kids’ behaviors and the importance to control their emotions and actions. (example 3, pathos) For instance, one of my mother’s colleagues often complained that her son got angry and irritable easily and frequently as long as there was anything unsatisfied. She tried every method and none of them worked. She finally went to a famous parent educator and counselor for help and found out that it was herself who became angry uncontrollably when troubles occurred and her son was just imitating her. She was recommended to attend a anger management class along with parent education courses where she learned that the uncontrollable eruption of anger may get in the way of parenting her children in a good way. Since then, she worked hard to control her temper and gradually, she also made influence on her son and he changed marvelously. Sub-point 2: Parent education programs can improved mental health and well-being of parents, more specifically, it can help ease parent’s stress when facing difficulties at every stage as their children grow, for example, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). (evidence 7, ethos) In a research paper A Parent Education Program for Parents of Chinese American Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): A Pilot Study, professor Hsu-Min Chiang from Columbia University pointed out that â€Å"parenting stress of parents of children with ASDs could be decreased through a short-term group parent education program† while â€Å"parental confidence in parents of children with ASDs can be improved through the parent education program using a group format.† Besides, the study also found that the parent education program â€Å"result[ed] in significant improvements in the physical health and environment domains† (Chiang 88-94). Transition: However, it is universally acknowledge that every coin has two sides and everything has its benefits and consequences. Therefore, even though parent education program has many advantages, they aren’t exceptions. Problems exist when people begin doing researches on the effectiveness of many programs and the results make them cast doubt. Main Point 5: Counterargument Sub-point 1: (evidence 8, ethos) Unfortunately, many people tend to believe that parents who attend parent education program are inadequate parent, sometimes even carers think so. Consequently, in order to avoid feeling guilty or stigmatized, parents are less likely to join the program, showed in the article Technique Is Not Enough: A framework for ensuring that evidence-based parenting programmes are socially inclusive (Barrett, 9). Sub-point 2: However ironically, the vast majority of the parents who don’t take parent education program are very likely to be the ones who really need to improve their parenting skills, the study showed later. (Barrett, 9). The text also points out that to change their attitudes, government should â€Å"empower local voices by implementing new programmes in co-production with local program service user parents so they become culturally congruent† (Barrett 10). Transition: It is undeniable that the development of parent education program still has to overcome numerous difficulties and problems however, by conducting further research, things will be better. Summary Statement: In my opinion, due to the influence parents have on their children’s development and the numerous advantages of parent education can bring to both parents and children, it is necessary for young parents to take the course. Besides, improvement still need to be done to increase the effectiveness of the programs. Conclusion: Briefly speaking, based on the arguments offered above, we as grown up who are very likely to have our own children within 10 years, should think about taking parent education program before becoming truly parents. Works Cited Barlow, Jane, and S. Stewart-Brown. Behavior Problems and Group-based Parent Education Programs.JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS No.21 (2000): 356-70. Web. 19 Dec. 2014.>. Bita, Natasha. Parents Influence Suicidal Children. The Australian 29 Nov. 2014, Australian3 ed., THENATION sec.: 11. Print. Chiang, Hsu-Min. A Parent Education Program for Parents of Chinese American Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): A Pilot Study.Hammill Institute on Disabilities Vol. 29. No. 2, (2014): 88 –94. Hammill Institute on Disabilities. Web. 19 Dec. 2014. html>. Davis, Fabian A., Lynn McDonald, and Nick Axford. Introduction. Technique Is Not Enough: A Framework for Ensuring That Evidence-based Parenting Programmes Are Socially Inclusive. Leicester, England: British Psychological Society, 2012. 9. Print. Dias, Mark S., Kim Smith, Kathy DeGuehery, R Paula Mazur, Veetai Li, and Michele L. Shaffer. Preventing Abusive Head Trauma Among Infants and Young Children: A Hospital-Based, Parent Education Program.PEDIATRICSVol. 115. No. 4 (2005): Pp. E470-E477.PEDIATRICS. Web. 19 Dec. 2014.>. Kagan, Jerome. The Role of Parents in Childrens Psychological Development. PEDIATRICS Vol. 104. No. Supplement 1 July 1, 1999 Pp. (1999): 164-67. PEDIATRICS. 1 Jul. 1999. Web. 19 Dec. 2014. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…“à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¾. Lam, Ching-Man. Parent Education: Revision and Vision.Asian Journal of Counselling Vol. 10. No. 2, (2003): 147–168. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Web. 19 Dec. 2014. . Mytton, Julie, Jenny Ingram, Sarah Manns, and James Thomas. Facilitators and Barriers to Engagement in Parenting Programs A Qualitative Systematic Review.Health Education BehaviorVol.41. No. 2 (2013): 127-37.SAGE Journals. Web. 19 Dec. 2014. html>.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Steve Huey :: essays research papers

Omaha, AR(DE)- Amazingly the act to end one’s life ultimately saved it. "Steve Huey" was suffering from an inoperable and fatal brain tumor. Doctors had given him only two months to live, so Huey decided to end It sooner rather than face the pain. He wrote a suicide note and then placed the gun to his head and shot. Later, friends found him on the floor in a pool of blood. They called the ambulance and within hours, Huey was up and walking around. "His sense of humor was amazing, but even more amazing is his luck," remarked his doctor. The chances of him shooting out his brain tumor are 254 million to one. The bullet missed all of the vital parts of the brain and shot out the tumor. Friends and family have urged Huey to put his luck to good use and buy lots of lottery tickets. "I tell him everyday ‘go buy a lottry ticket’ and ‘go bet on a horse’, but he just won’t do it. Sometimes he can be so stubborn," said a close friend. Doctors are cautioning to other terminal patients not to try what Huey did. They say there is no way that they help themselves, they will harm themselves severely. Huey is currently writing a book and is planning a national book signing tour. Also in the works, a movie and a sitcom based on his story. "I am a very lucky guy and I plan to turn this mirale into some serious cash for myself," said Huey in an exclusive interview. An auction is also in the works that will sell the gun, the hosptal bill, and the tumor itself. Any collector will love to own this tumor and should be willing to spend lots of money for it," added Huey. Ice Cream Filled Grand Canyon Mexico City, Mexico(DE) - At the annual conference for the American Citizens For A Better Grand Canyon Group (ACFABGCG), attendees decided that the only way to attract more people to the Grand Canyon would be to fill the natural woder with ice cream. Twenty millions gallons of ice cream will be needed to maintain a full level everyday. It is hoped that this will help Arizona's ice cream manufacturing plants and a fee will also be passed for anyone that looks at the Grand Canyon. In other Grand Canyon developments, a vote narrowly failed to build an amusement park at the bottom under all the ice cream.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Film Comparison Reservoir Dogs and the Killing

Directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1956, The Killing has resonated through the years as an influential and groundbreaking story of a botched bank robbery told through the eyes of each different characters point of view. The scenes are strategically organized out of order and lead the story through a maze of plot advancements. Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs opened in October 1992 and draws many influences and themes from Kubrick’s film. The unorthodox arrangement of scenes accompanied by meticulously crafted development of character side stories can be seen in both features.Furthermore, these films subject matter both have to do with a planned heist gone awry resulting in the deaths of all but one character that is later apprehended by the authorities. The underlying themes also mirror one another quite seamlessly especially when it comes to trust and character conduct. Each film does a fine job at gripping the audience in suspense until the final cut scene. In both films, there is the initial robbery plan that is presented to a small group of mostly thugs who don’t ask too many questions and would probably turn on one another in the blink of an eye.It becomes apparent quite soon into the opening of each film that something has gone or will go wrong at some point at the hands of a mole within the operation. Accidents, such as Reservoir Dogs failed robbery attempt itself, happen within both plots to make the stories move forward at a jarring rate. Each of the film’s directors were able to take away any and all comprehension of time outside of the movie experience and replace it with edge of your seat, non-linear plot installations. Above all, the distinct and groundbreaking writing from both films is what creates the sense of hyperrealism seen within both features.The language and direction used in Tarantino’s movie pays homage to early film noir classics as well as films such as Martin Scorsese’s Mean Street s and even The Killing itself. The themes found in The Killing can also be found quite easily within Reservoir Dogs as well. Stanley Kubrick’s film was released in the mid 1950’s and has underlying tones that were most likely derived from the uneasiness of the nation at that time. Who to trust remains to be a big theme in the movie, especially after the group finds out that there is a snitch among the ranks.Reservoir Dogs plays off of this same notion and really makes an unapologetic example of how no one can be trusted, even when you truly believe in them. The Killing goes as far as to imply that, in the case of the window teller and his greedy wife, men should not trust women, especially when it comes to the subject of potential money in the pocket. They send out the message that you can only trust one person and one person only: yourself. The eternal excuse that money cannot provide happiness becomes a recurring theme in both films.Another theme seen in each movie s uggests the idea that violence creates nothing but negativity and eventual downfall. Considering the fact that nearly every main character in both films perishes by the end, just goes to show the theme that tells us how violence met with more violence can only result in misery. There are many similarities between each of these films. Quentin Tarantino candidly speaks about how he wanted to create his own version of The Killing, and how he did exactly that with Reservoir Dogs.The pervasive amount of violence found in both films also becomes noteworthy when looking for parallels between the two. Reservoir Dogs is violent in many more scenes than The Killing and is also filled with much coarser language, but the sustained violence that occurs during the final 25 minutes of The Killing must certainly have been something seldom seen by the public in the time of its release, especially the graphic bullet wounds seen in the faces of several fallen characters.In both films, violence is some thing that each character uses in order to get by, but by the end of each feature most of the characters have perished at the hands of someone else. This goes to show that even though the characters were intrinsically geared toward violence, they met their respective downfalls due to their own violent or dubious actions.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Atrocity And The American People Essays - Southeastern Europe

Atrocity And The American People Essays - Southeastern Europe Atrocity And The American People An atrocity is defined as An act of cruelty and violence inflicted by an enemy-armed force upon civilians or prisoners. Some believe this war in Kosovo is about politics. However, upon examination of the specifics of this conflict it is apparent that this is about religion. People must then decide whom, if anyone is committing these atrocities. Should the United States be involved in the dispute, and is it truly in the best interest of the American people? In the area once covered by the country of Yugoslavia, there has been a series of struggles for independence during the 1990's. These confrontations started in 1990 in Slovenia, 1991 in Croatia, and 1992 in Bosnia Herzegovina. Each of these conflicts has often been described as an ethnic conflict. In reality, the Serbs, Croats, Slovenes and Muslims in those countries share a common Slavic ethnic origin. They view themselves today as distinct peoples, largely because of their distinct religious heritages. In contrast, people in North America consider religion mainly as part of their personal/family identity. Because of the U.S. Constitution's first amendment, and the separation of church and state, Americans don't have a single faith group associated with their national feelings. Unlike the former Yugoslavia, the Kosovo conflict has both ethnic and religious components. The Kosovo conflict is fueled by ethnic and religious differences. Ethnicity is the cause between the Serbs, of Slavic origin, and ethnic Albanians. Religion has also been a conflict between Serbs, who are almost entirely followers of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and non-Serbs, who are overwhelmingly followers of Islam and Roman Catholicism. From the beginning NATO stated that this conflict would accelerate if NATO did not step in to help the Kosovos in their rebellion. If this conflict is like all of the rest why did America not step into other conflicts when there was a military force committing a larger genocide? These small civil conflicts are just like our civil war. Why did Britain not step in to help one side or the other? The British were intelligent, they knew that if American had a small army then they could come and take what they believed was theirs. The United States has nothing to gain by going into this conflict. Like all of the conflicts American has not gotten involved unless there was some type of gain. The gain is not something that we can see or touch, but more of respect from an organization to which the United States does not belong. When NATO was established, the United States was one of the original groups that started the organization; however the president at the time did not believe that we would need to belong to an organization that created peace instead of war. Over the years the United States has become one of the largest peace organization built. So now whenever NATO ask the United States to intervene in a conflict America must accept, otherwise suffer the consequence of looking bad in the eyes of the world and NATO. The issue is should the United States get involved? To the American people, this is another civil conflict that will waste American tax dollars. How can President Clinton explain to the American citizens that this war is anything but a political gain to his presidency? When President Clinton said that American soldiers would be going to Kosovo, people thought that they would be going to stop the killing of innocent civilians. All that we have seen in this conflict is the killing of civilians. So when will all of the killing stop? People have been asking this question for a very long time. The only answer that we continue to get from NATO is that there is no killing of civilians going on in Kosovo or Yugoslavian. Media correspondents and human rights investigators who are mainly located near the borders of Kosovo have collected massive amounts of data. They show that the Geneva Conventions concerning civilians are being ignored and that the Militaries are carrying out extremely seriou s war crimes on both sides of the sword. A war is being conducted in Kosovo and the rest of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The main players

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ambitiously Authentic What Ive Learned about Funding My Dream

Ambitiously Authentic What Ive Learned about Funding My Dream Ive lost count of the scholarship and residency applications Ive had rejected. But in 2014, I won a scholarship to the Wesleyan Writers Conference, and this year I was honored to be an Artist in Residence at Trail Wood, the memorial sanctuary and former home of nature writer Edwin Way Teale. Ive thought about the difference between my prior attempts and my wins, and here are a few lessons I learned: Go local: FundsforWriters (FFW) often lists state- or region-specific grants - watch for them! Far-away locales dont necessarily equal prestige or a higher level of success. My motivations for going local were at least in part due to limited time and money for travel, but familiarity with the physical locations (both in Connecticut, my home state) and the local culture made a difference in terms of how I penned my applications, and, probably, how judges accepted them. Go niche: Even if your work crosses genres, take ownership of a specific writing category. When I finally figured out that nature writing was my thing, the tide began to shift. When I applied for the writers conference scholarship, my voice took on a more confident tone as I talked about my specialty. In the case of the residency, the Connecticut Audubon Society sought writers with a strong interest in nature. Again, FFW lists many of these niche awards for categories such as mystery writers, journalists, or specific demographic groups. Be yourself: In all forms of writing, genuine shines through. My applications included enthusiasm and revelations about my personality, while being careful not to overdo it Dont skimp on research: If you are able to visit the physical location of your opportunity, do it to get a feel for the place. But whether or not a visit is possible, research the history of the award and its former recipients and read descriptions of the place/event. This will engender a tone that reflects in-depth understanding of the award. Besides being able to visit my intended award locales, I scoured the application websites and other sources for details that resonated with me and informed my submission. Plan ahead and pace yourself: Savvy research and authenticity wont help if you arent practical about writing well in advance of deadline, allowing time for many rewrites. Setting milestone dates and reminders in my electronic calendar helped me stay on track. Its also important to avoid trigger finger. Like many writers, I tend to send work out prematurely, driven Choose your readers carefully: Read up on the contest judges; consider that in some cases the judges are not writers. Ask trusted friends/colleagues to read your work, paying close attention to their overall reactions and specific comments. In my case, the input of some carefully chosen nonwriters was as valuable as that of my peers. It should go without saying that you also need to pay attention to technicalities - word count limits, writing sample format, etc. Check your work against the guidelines a final time. When you hit the send button or the post office, you can be confident that youve done your best and improved your odds. In my case, the work I put in was rewarded many times over in a sense of fulfillment at finally finding funding for a longstanding dream. I wish the same for every hardworking writer.

Monday, November 4, 2019

History Of The World Trade Center Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History Of The World Trade Center - Term Paper Example Architect of the WTC 3. Design of the WTC 4. Construction of the WTC 5. Location of the WTC 6. Technology used in the WTC 7. Main purpose of the WTC 8. The last day in the history of the WTC 1. Situation of New York City in the 1960s. The first plans for the building of a complex for international trade and finance were hatched in the aftermath of World War 2. The New York State Legislature gave permission for a â€Å"vast trade, commercial, hotel and convention facility that would complement the international center of finance that Wall Street had become† (Fernandez, 2012, pp. 5-6). The United States had intervened in Europe and the Far East to contribute substantial economic and military aid to its allies, and this was the last indication in a long list of developments, that the colonial days were over, and America was a strong and stable state, ready to take a lead in world affairs. The United States of America was starting to experience some economic boom years and this he lped to provide the funding for civic developments that had been missing in the years between the wars. Industrialization in America had happened extremely quickly and advances in science and technology were giving American products the edge in world markets. Added to this, there were still streams of well qualified immigrants ready to give the economy an extra boost. There was a property boom in the 1960s which favored large building projects, especially those which undertook to renovate brown field sites and create jobs. New York itself was very crowded, but there was ample opportunity in the former docks areas to tear down old stock and make way for progress. The early 1960s was a period of optimism in the United States, and this helped to foster a climate of enterprise and adventure. In the arts, iconoclastic forms were all the rage, and in architecture the rigid forms of modernism were giving way to more playful postmodern ideas. It was a time of change, and this was exactly th e right moment for a monumental vision like the World Trade Center to finally come to fruition. 2. Architect of the World Trade Center. The man who was chosen to as the main designer of the World Trade Center was architect Minoru Yamasaki. He was born in 1912 to immigrant Japanese parents in the Seattle area where he went to school at Garfield High School. His parents were not wealthy, and he had to work hard to achieve his ambition, studying maths and science and doing well enough to be accepted to study architecture. It is reported that he suffered from some anti-Japanese prejudice, and he even worked in an Alaskan salmon cannery to help fun his studies at Washington University (Flowers, p. 178) Yamasaki’s later career continued with designs in the Seattle area that include the Pacific Science Center, the IBM Building and the Rainier Bank Tower. (Olson, 2012). He also produced internationally renowned designs in other countries too, including Saudi Arabia and Japan. With re spect to his design of the World Trade Center, Yamasaki was conscious of the international dimensions of the building, and the role that the United States plays in the modern world. He is quoted as saying â€Å"World Trade means world peace. The World Trade Center should, because of its importance, become a representation of man’s belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of men, and through cooperation, his ability to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Urban Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Urban Health - Essay Example The number of cases also exceeds to countries like Eritrea and Gambia (Abernethy 2013, n.p.).According to these mentioned statistics, tuberculosis is an urban health issue which has to be prevented. To elaborate on the effect of TB and why it has grown into an urban health issue, this study text will highlight the emerging TB issue in Europe, particularly the United Kingdom. The discussion will argue on the perspective that immigrant populations contribute to its increase, as is observed in the New Ham region of the London Borough. Tuberculosis in Newham is at an alarmingly high rate (Howes 2013, p.136). The following study text will critically examine the prevalence of tuberculosis within Newham in comparison to other boroughs within the UK. The paper will discuss the situation of the area of New Ham, East London and see that are the causes of increasing number of tuberculosis cases. In its conclusion, the study will also provide some potential recommendations to deal with the issue which will help in the fight against tuberculosis in the said region. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014, n.p.),Tuberculosis is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. As is popularly known, it affects mostly the lungs and other organs such as the lymphatic system, the circulatory system and to an extent the central nervous system (NHS 2014, n.p.). The lymph nodes surrounding the lungs and heart become enlarged, as is the case with all other lymph nodes in an effort to curb the spread of the disease to the entire body (On Health 2014, n.p.). Upon realizing this threat, the body’s immune system reacts by forming scar fibrosis or tissue around the bacteria. If by any chance the bacteria bypass the fibrosis, the disease is reactivated and the pneumonia re-emerges. What follows is damage to bones, kidneys, and the meninges lining the brain and spinal cord. There are two categories of TB. Latent tuberculosis means that

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Social Media - Essay Example On the other hand, companies are able to create pages in these social networking sites, where customers are able to access information, which is significant for mediating marketing. Therefore, social media harnesses and promotes effective communication among customers and the company offering various products. There some of the negative influences of social media to the company, whereby it can make information that the company does not want to reach customers to be viral (Associated press, 2012). Therefore, the company can suffer from negative publicity due to negative reviews from a single customer. For example, a customer may be impatient about delivery of certain foods or services that they have ordered online, and they may result to making negative reviews about the company. In fact, this would result to negative publicity, which makes potential customers lose confidence on the company, however, this problem can be resolved by ensuring that content posted on the company account has been regulated, whereby only the reviews that has been approved can be displayed in order to avoid ruining the company’s